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What Do Rats Need in Their Cage to Be Happy: Creating a Comfortable Home for Your Rats

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Rats are intelligent, social animals that make great pets. They are playful, curious, and can even be trained to do tricks. However, in order for rats to thrive in captivity, it is important to provide them with a comfortable living space that meets their physical and emotional needs.

One of the most important aspects of a rat’s living space is their cage. A well-designed cage can help rats feel safe and secure, while also providing them with opportunities for exercise and play. But what exactly do rats need in their cage to be happy? Here are some key factors to consider:

First and foremost, rats need plenty of space. A cage that is too small can lead to stress, boredom, and even health problems. As a general rule, a cage should be at least 2 feet long, 1.5 feet wide, and 1.5 feet tall for a pair of rats.

However, in my experience, the more space you can provide, the better. My rats are always so much happier when they’ve got more space! In addition to size, it’s important to choose a cage with appropriate levels, ramps, and platforms to encourage climbing and exploration.

Cage Size and Design

One of the most important factors in keeping rats happy and healthy is providing them with a cage that is appropriately sized and designed. A cage that is too small or poorly designed can lead to stress, boredom, and health problems for your rats.

When choosing a cage for your rats, consider the following factors:

Cage Size

Rats are active animals that need plenty of space to move around and explore. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 2 cubic feet of space per rat. So, for two rats, you’ll need a cage that is at least 4 cubic feet in size.

Cage Height

Rats are great climbers, so a cage with multiple levels or platforms can provide them with plenty of opportunities to exercise and play. However, make sure that the bars on the cage are close enough together to prevent your rats from escaping or getting stuck.

Cage Materials

The best material for a rat cage is wire mesh, as it provides good ventilation and allows your rats to climb and play. However, make sure that the mesh is coated with a non-toxic material to prevent your rats from getting sick.


If your rats are like mine, they’ll love playing and exploring, so make sure to provide them with plenty of toys, tunnels, and platforms to keep them entertained. However, be careful not to overcrowd the cage, as this can lead to stress and fighting among your rats.

Overall, investing in a high-quality, appropriately sized cage for your rats is essential for their health and happiness. By providing your rats with plenty of space, opportunities to play and explore, and a safe and comfortable environment, you can help ensure that they live long, happy lives.

Check out our range of safe and very fun cage accessories for your rats!

Bedding and Nesting Materials

Rats are burrowing animals and need a soft and comfortable place to sleep. Therefore, providing your pet rats with good quality bedding and nesting materials is crucial for their health and happiness. There are several types of bedding materials available in the market, including:

Cosy Fabric Beds

We’ve got a great selection of cosy hammocks and cosy nests on our site. Providing them with a fun and funky designs as well as a very comfortable place to snooze and snuggle! While they do provide the comfiest bedding for your rats little bones, they can get smelly quite quickly.

My rats make theirs smell like wee very quickly! What’s ideal, is that you can just pop them in the wash, but you will want to make sure you’ve got one for them to snooze in while the other’s being washed!

Hemp Bedding

Hemp bedding is great for rats because it absorbs more than any other type of rat bedding, and is very unlikely to go moldy making it a safer choice for rats. Its great absorption also means it takes longer to start getting smelly. This hemp bedding is chemical, dye, and additive free.

Corn Cob Bedding

Corn cob bedding is a great option for your rat’s health. It doesn’t contain dust, and in studies, it’s been shown to reduce the spread of allergens, minimises dampness and ammonia from urine.

But, with corn cob bedding, it’s important to keep an eye on your rat’s happiness. Corn cob bedding is very hard, so it may hurt your rat’s little bones, or they may just find the hardness uncomfortable, either way, their sleep may be significantly affected.

If your rats have plenty of other places to sleep and you want to use corn cob bedding as a substrate for the bottom of the cage, then this natural corn cob bedding is ideal.

Shredded Paper, Paper Strips, and Paper Tissues

Shredded paper, paper strips and paper tissues are great for bedding. They cosy and your rats will love playing with them and using them to create their own little nests!

Hay and Straw

Two great bedding materials because rats love them! They’re cosy and rats absolutely love using them to build nests and hiding places.

You do need to be careful and make sure that the hay you use is dust-extracted like this one. For the straw, wheat straw is best avoided for rats because it’s very dusty, instead, use rice straw!

Huge amounts of rice straw are burnt by farmers every year, which is very bad for the environment. But it’s great for rats to use as bedding!

Rice Straw even been recommended as bedding for rats by scientists. If you’d like to try rice straw for your rats, then they’ll love this rice straw!

Ideally, you want to avoid using wood shavings for bedding, but if you’re really keen to use wood shavings, then Aspen shavings are the safest.

Softwood shavings such as pine or cedar shavings absolutely must be avoided. The shavings from softwood release aromatic hydrocarbons (phenols) and acids which are toxic to rats.

Cotton wool should always be avoided because rats can easily get tangled in it and it’s not safe for them to eat. Soft fabric scraps can be okay for them, though, depending on the type of fabric.

Each type of bedding material has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that suits your rat’s needs and preferences. For example, aspen shavings are a popular choice as they are absorbent, low-dust, and non-toxic.

Some types of bedding such as wood shavings, must never be used for rats with respiratory problems. And all bedding materials should be clean and free from any harmful substances such as dyes or chemicals.

Overall, providing your rats with high-quality bedding and nesting materials is an essential part of their care. It helps keep them comfortable, healthy, and happy.

Food and Water

Rats are omnivorous and require a balanced diet to maintain their health and happiness. A well-balanced diet for pet rats should consist of a combination of commercial rat food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats.

Commercial rat food like this one, (or this one for an extra tasty munch) is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of pet rats. It is important to choose a high-quality rat food that contains a variety of nutrients, including protein, fat, fiber, and vitamins! Rats should have access to fresh food and water at all times, and their food and water should be changed daily to prevent spoilage and contamination.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great way to provide additional nutrients and variety to a rat’s diet. Some good options include apples, bananas, carrots, broccoli, and leafy greens. It is important to wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding them to rats to remove any pesticides or other contaminants.

Treats should be given sparingly and in moderation. Some good options include small pieces of cooked chicken, eggs, or yoggies if you want to be your rats absolute favourite human. Avoid giving rats sugary or fatty treats, or keep them to a minimum, as these can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Water is essential for rats to maintain their health and hydration. It is important to provide rats with fresh, clean water at all times. Water should be changed daily, and the water bottle or dish should be cleaned regularly to prevent contamination.

Overall, a balanced and varied diet is essential for the health and happiness of pet rats. Providing rats with access to fresh food and water, as well as occasional treats, will help keep them healthy and content.

Toys and Enrichment

Providing toys and enrichment is essential for the physical and mental well-being of your pet rat. Rats are intelligent and active animals that need stimulation to prevent boredom and stress.

A lack of enrichment can lead to destructive behavior, such as chewing on cage bars or excessive grooming. There are many types of toys and enrichment that you can provide for your rat, including:

Chew Toys

Rats need to chew to keep their teeth healthy, so providing chew toys made of safe materials like wood, cardboard, or hay can help satisfy this need.


Rats love to have a cozy place to hide and sleep. You can provide a cardboard box, a small igloo, or a hammock for your rat to snuggle in.

Interactive toys

These toys provide mental stimulation and encourage physical activity. Examples include puzzle feeders, tunnels, and ropes.

Exercise equipment

Rats need exercise to stay healthy, so providing a running wheel (make sure running wheel is large enough for your rat), or a climbing structure can help them stay active.

When choosing toys and enrichment for your rat, make sure to avoid anything that could be harmful or toxic, such as plastic or painted items. You should also rotate toys regularly to keep your rat interested and engaged!

Overall, providing a variety of toys and enrichment is an important part of keeping your pet rat happy and healthy. By meeting their physical and mental needs, you can help ensure that your rat lives a long and fulfilling life.

Socialization and Companionship

Rats are social animals and need companionship to thrive. They are happiest when they have other rats to interact with, play with, and groom. If you are planning to keep rats as pets, it is important to have at least two rats so that they can keep each other company.

When introducing new rats to each other, it is important to do so gradually and carefully. Rats are territorial animals and can become aggressive towards unfamiliar rats.

To avoid any potential conflicts, it is recommended to introduce rats in a neutral space where neither rat has established territory. You should also supervise the introduction and be prepared to separate the rats if necessary.

It is also important to handle and interact with your rats regularly to keep them socialized. Rats enjoy human interaction and can become quite affectionate with their owners. Regular handling and playtime can help strengthen the bond between you and your rats.

If you are unable to provide your rats with companionship, there are other options available. Some rat owners have found success introducing stuffed animals or other toys to their rats to keep them entertained. However, it is important to note that these substitutes are not a replacement for actual rat companionship.

Overall, socialization and companionship are essential for a happy and healthy life for pet rats. By providing your rats with the necessary socialization and companionship, you can ensure that they live a fulfilling life in their cage.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your rat’s cage clean is essential for their health and happiness. A dirty cage can lead to illness and stress, which can negatively impact your rat’s well-being. Here are some tips to help you maintain a clean and healthy living environment for your pet:

Spot Clean the Cage Daily

Remove any soiled bedding or litter and wipe down any dirty surfaces with a damp cloth. This will help prevent the build-up of bacteria and odors.

Deep Clean the Cage Weekly

Once a week, remove all of the bedding and accessories from the cage and thoroughly clean the cage with a pet-rat-safe disinfectant. Rinse everything thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before adding fresh bedding and accessories.

Provide a Litter Box

Rats are naturally clean animals and will often use a litter box if provided. This can help keep the cage cleaner for longer periods of time.

Regularly Wash Food and Water Dishes

Rats can be messy eaters and drinkers, so it’s important to clean their dishes regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your rat’s cage is a clean and healthy environment that they will be happy to call home.

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