News & Entertainment

Pet Rat Lost Paws to Frostbite, Now He’s Inspiring Others

TRIGGER WARNING: Content may cause distress or upset to viewers.

Racking up over 31.5k followers on Instagram, Social Media Star Ice Cube the rat, is bringing happiness to the world with his infectious energy for life, and his expressive and adorable little face. His owner Audrée-Rose says that he’s full of love, loves cuddles, playtime, ear scratches, and toys that crinkle. But, sadly, Ice Cube’s life hasn’t always been this way.

Image source: @ice_cube_the_rescued_rat. Instagram

The media have compared him to a teddy-bear because of his little nubs.

January 28, 2019 was the day that Audrée-Rose Fallu Landry, a Veterinary Technician at a Veterinary Clinic, and dog trainer, was walking home when she spotted some movement in a plastic bag. She saw the bag squeezed between the sidewalk and a parked car, believing now that this was an attempt to stay warm.

Audrée-Rose recalls, “He was in a very bad state, freezing and his paws and tail were bloody. I put a box with blankets right beside his hiding spot and he went right in.”

It was then that Veterinary Technician Audrée-Rose believed the rat was very likely a domesticated pet rat when she saw that “he was not scared of human scent.” Audrée-Rose proceeded to close the box and phoned her colleagues to let them know she was bringing a patient into the clinic.

Audrée-Rose’s heart sunk when the Veterinarian believed it was very unlikely the rat would survive and began discussing putting him down. But Audrée-Rose believed there was hope, however, it would likely mean risky surgery to amputate his paws that were dying from frostbite.

“She was not specialized in rats, but said nonetheless, that the frostbite he was suffering from was probably too hard for him to overcome. We spoke about amputation but the surgery was said to be very risky, leaving him with no limbs to walk.”

“It was our last option. We kept him in warm blankets, gave him a bit of pain medicine and began to think about what we could do for the little guy.”

Ice Cube is an exceptional example of how strong rats can be. Audrée-Rose saw how much of fighter Ice Cube was when she brought him home after surgery.

She checked on him so regularly that she barely slept, and provided him with medication and antibiotics to stop the infection from entering his bloodstream. Eventually, the damage from the frostbite meant his four paws and tail died and dropped off.

Audrée-Rose believes finding Ice Cube that day was destiny. “I already had ratties and lots of experience with them. The chances of him being found by a crazy rat lady were thin.”

Ice Cube dressed up for Halloween. Instagram

Ice Cube still suffers from a little pain, “the only struggle he has is that his back nubs still aren’t fully healed, it’s a bit uncomfortable and it bleeds from time to time.” reported his human-mom, Audrée-Rose. Despite this, Ice Cube has gone onto live a great life with Audrée-Rose, who has affectionally nicknamed him Cubie. He’s doing most of the normal things rats do, albeit a little more clumsily and is unable to climb like other rats do.

Although he can’t have cagemates until he’s fully healed, Audrée-Rose gives him lots of attention, saying, “he even comes to work with me. He has become the clinic’s mascot. He’s as happy as can be.”

Audrée-Rose says if she had to choose a word to describe Ice Cube, it would be “light”. “He helps me see the light, the good in life through my struggles with anxiety and depression. He is proof that in the darkest of times, there is always hope, always light. He is an example of trust, love, and strength.”

Ice Cube’s perseverance and bravery has had an inspiring impact on many and his story quickly spread on Social Media, where he’s grown a huge following. “I never expected his popularity to blow up like this. I didn’t know my boy’s story would touch so many hearts,” Audrée-Rose says warmly, “We receive so much love every day!”

She hopes Ice Cube’s story will help to rid peoples’ negative opinions of rats, saying, “there is a misconception about pet rats, they have a bad reputation. I want people to know how sweet, loyal and intelligent they are!”

Audrée-Rose hopes his suffering will not be in vain, and Ice Cube’s remarkable story will highlight that domesticated rats can’t survive outside. “They can’t survive in the wild! Especially in cold weather. Just after I found Ice Cube, someone near Montreal saw a driver open his door and leave dozens of domestic rats on the side of the road to die.”

It is clear that with Audrée-Rose’s love, Ice Cube is going to a better life in a loving home. “I want people to treat animals with more respect and to understand their need for love and a forever home.”

Audrée-Rose says Ice Cube “trusted me with his life, even after all he had been through. He fought the hardest fight and won. I always say: I rescued him on that day, but he saves me every day.”

Ice Cube looking cute. Instagram

“Looking back at Ice Cube’s incredible destiny, I think I want people to know that it’s always worth giving life a chance. That you will face hardship and challenges but you will always learn from it, and get out of it stronger.”

“I didn’t know what I was getting into when I brought him home. I didn’t know if he would make it – if he would have a good life. But I gave him his chance and he proved that life is stronger than anything and love will always win.”


We’re heartbroken to report that Ice Cube has since passed away.

His story has affected so many of us all around the world, and continues to inspire us to persevere no matter the challenges we face.

Some great examples of the impact Ice Cube’s story has had can be seen on his social media.

One fan got a tattoo to remember him. It’s incredibly rare for someone to get a tattoo of someone else’s pet but Erynn was so moved by Ice Cube’s story that she wanted a permanent reminder of his memory. So, she got this fantastic tattoo of the beautiful Ice Cube.

Image source: Instagram

Another fan deeply moved by Ice Cube’s passing is a 10-year-old boy called Ethan from Stouffville, Ontario. His mother said, “we have always loved Ice Cube’s story and miss him dearly. My son Ethan (10) often talks about how he’s so happy his owner found him and often gets sad about his story (how people can be so cruel) and passing.”

“He was feeling a little down today even thinking of rats we have lost over the years. He wanted to draw Ice Cube to show his love.”

This is Ethan’s brilliant drawing of Ice Cube.

Image source: Instagram

Ice Cube, you were so strong and brave, you continue to inspire so many of us. May you rest in peace.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!