News & Entertainment

Rat Breaks into Cash Machine and Shreds over $20k

Inside a cash machine in India, a rat with expensive taste created a very cosy nest! The discovery came as a shock to many people, although us rat parents know all too well, they will tear anything apart if it looks like it will be a good material with which to make a nest, (including brand new hammocks!).

Money in cash machine shredded by rat. Image credit: AFP. Getty Images

After almost two weeks and several reports from the public about the ATM being faulty, Bank Technicians investigated the complaints. It was then that they discovered over $20k of shredded Indian rupee notes and, tragically, one dead rat.

Chandan Sharma, a SBI branch manager in Tinsukia, Assam, said “When our technicians opened the kiosk we were shocked to find shredded notes and a dead rat.”

“We have started an investigation into this rare incident and will take measures to prevent a recurrence.”

Police Superintendent, Prakash Sonowal, reported to the Indian media that the cash machine had been “out of action for about 12 days and was not dispensing cash”.

The rat creating its nest egg did so in the ATM cash machine of India’s largest bank SBI. They have over 50,000 cash machines across India, and yet have never seen this situation before. What has the bank inspectors stumped is that they have no idea how the rat got into the machine. They’ve checked the camera footage at the ATM, and yet can’t see a rat entering the machine at all.

In total, there was approximately 2.9 million rupees (£48,920*) in the ATM, of which, almost 1.2 million rupees ($20,637*) were shredded by the rat.

The Bank Investigators have concluded that they believe the rat may have entered through a small hole intended for the wires.

*Conversions were correct at time article was written.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!