Behavior & Temperament

What Does It Mean When a Pet Rat Licks You? Understanding Your Rat’s Behavior

Those little licks from your pet rat may just be the cutest thing ever! But, have you ever wondered what it means when your pet rat licks you?

Holly. Tambako The Jaguar. Flickr

Rats are social creatures and use various methods to communicate with their owners. One of these methods is licking, which can have different meanings depending on the situation!

When your pet rat licks you, it can be a sign of affection and trust. Rats are known to groom each other as a way of bonding, and they may do the same with their owners.

Licking can also be a way for rats to show submission or ask for attention. However, it’s important to note that not all rat licks are friendly gestures. Sometimes, rats may lick as a way of tasting or investigating their surroundings.

Understanding Rat Behavior

Pet rats are intelligent and social animals that have unique behaviors that can be puzzling at times! Understanding rat behavior is essential to providing them with the best care possible. Below are some common rat behaviors and what they mean:


Rats use their tongues to explore their environment and communicate with other rats. When a rat licks you, it can be a sign of affection or a way to communicate that they trust you.


Rats are fastidious animals that spend a lot of time grooming themselves and each other. If a rat grooms you, it’s likely a sign that it sees you as part of its social group.


Rats may bite if they feel threatened or if they are in pain. It is important to handle rats gently and to avoid startling them.

Scent Marking

Rats have scent glands on their feet, tail, and body that they use to mark their territory. If a rat rubs its scent glands on you, it may be claiming you as part of its territory.

It is important to remember that rats are individuals with their own personalities and preferences. Some rats may be more social or affectionate than others. By observing your rat’s behavior and providing it with a comfortable and stimulating environment, you can build a strong bond with your pet rat.

Reasons Why Rats Lick

Rats use grooming as a way to bond with their human companions. Licking is one way that rats show affection and trust towards their owners. Here are some reasons why rats lick:


Licking is a natural behavior for rats, and they use it to keep themselves clean. When rats lick their human companions, they may be trying to groom them as well.


Rats are social animals and use grooming as a way to bond with their owners. Licking is a sign of affection and trust, and rats may lick their human companions to show that they feel comfortable and safe around them.

Taste and Smell

Rats have a keen sense of smell and taste, and they may lick their human companions to explore new scents and flavors. If you have recently eaten something with a strong smell or taste, your rat may lick you to investigate.


Rats communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language. Licking can be a way for rats to communicate with their human companions, and they may lick to show that they want attention or to ask for food or water.

Overall, rats are affectionate and social animals that use grooming as a way to bond with their human companions. Licking is a natural behavior for rats, and it can have a variety of meanings depending on the situation.

If your rat licks you, it is likely a sign of affection and trust, and you should feel honored that your furry friend considers you a part of their family.

Signs of Affection

When pet rats lick their owners, it’s usually a sign of affection, and it’s a behavior that is often seen in rats that have bonded closely with their humans. Here are some other signs of affection that pet rat owners may observe:


Rats that are affectionate with their owners may enjoy snuggling up with them for warmth or comfort.


Rats that are close to their owners may also groom them, and nibble gently at their skin or hair to keep them clean.


Rats who are happy and comfortable with their owners will likely enjoy playing with them, whether it’s chasing a toy or running around together.

It’s important to note that not all rats will exhibit these signs of affection, and some rats may be more reserved or independent than others.

Additionally, some rats may exhibit these behaviors with one person but not another, depending on their individual personalities and preferences.

Overall, if your pet rat seems happy and healthy, and is displaying behaviors that indicate a bond with you, it’s likely that they are showing affection in their own unique way.

Possible Health Concerns

While pet rats are generally clean and healthy animals, there are some potential health concerns to be aware of when your rat licks you. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Rats can carry Salmonella bacteria, which is then transmitted to humans through contact with their saliva. While the risk of contracting Salmonella from a pet rat is relatively low, it’s still important to practice good hygiene and wash your hands thoroughly after handling your pet.


Some people may be allergic to rat saliva, which can cause skin irritation or respiratory problems. If you experience any symptoms after your rat licks you, such as itching or wheezing, it’s best to avoid contact with your pet until you can consult with a doctor.


If your rat has any cuts or wounds in their mouth, there is a risk of infection if they lick you. Make sure to keep an eye on your rat’s mouth and seek veterinary care if you notice any signs of infection.

It’s important to be aware of these potential health concerns when interacting with your pet rat. By practicing good hygiene and monitoring your rat’s health, you can help ensure a safe and happy relationship with your furry friend.

If your rat suddenly starts licking you excessively or in a way that seems out of the ordinary, it’s important to monitor their behavior and consult with a veterinarian if necessary.


While there is no definitive answer as to what it means when your pet rat licks you, we’ve covered several possible explanations.

Overall, if your pet rat licks you, it’s likely a sign of affection and trust. By building a strong bond with your rat and providing them with a comfortable and stimulating environment, you can encourage this behavior and create a happy and healthy relationship with your furry friend.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!