Rat Parenting

When to Buy Rats and Other Essential Tips for First-Time Owners

If you’re thinking about getting pet rats, there are a few things you should know before making a purchase!

One of the most important factors to consider is the age of the rats when you buy them. Rats can be sold at various ages, but it’s crucial to choose rats that are old enough to be weaned from their mother and have been socialized.

Typically, rats are weaned and ready for adoption at 4-6 weeks old. However, it’s best to wait until they’re at least 6-8 weeks old before taking them home.

This gives them enough time to develop their immune systems and social skills, making them more adaptable to their new environment.

It’s also important to choose rats that have been handled and socialized by the breeder or pet store staff to ensure they’re comfortable with human interaction.

Aside from the age of the rats, there are other factors to consider when buying pet rats. These include the breed, sex, and temperament of the rats, as well as the size and condition of their living space. By doing your research and carefully selecting your rats, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your furry friends.

Choosing the Right Age of Rats

When it comes to buying rats, the age of the rat is an important consideration. Rats are social animals and thrive in groups, which is why it is recommended to buy more than one rat.

However, it is important to choose rats that are of a similar age to ensure they can bond and grow together. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right age of rats:

Baby Rats

Baby rats, also known as “kittens,” are typically between 4-6 weeks old when they are sold. While they may be cute and small, they require a lot of attention and care. They are also more prone to health issues and may not be as socialized as older rats.

Young Adult Rats

Young adult rats are typically between 6-12 weeks old. They are more independent and can be easier to care for than baby rats. They are also more socialized and can bond well with other rats.

Adult Rats

Adult rats are typically over 6 months old. They are fully grown and may have already established their personalities. While they may be less active than younger rats, they can still make great pets and can live for several years.

When choosing the right age of rats, make sure you consider your lifestyle and the amount of time you can dedicate to caring for them.

Baby rats require more attention and care, while adult rats may be more low-maintenance. It’s also important to consider the gender of the rats, as males and females have different personalities and behaviors.

Ultimately, the right age of rats for you will depend on your preferences and lifestyle. So, do your research and choose rats that are healthy, socialized, and of a similar age to ensure they can bond and thrive together.

Where to Buy Rats

When it comes to purchasing rats, there are several options available. Here are some of the most common places to buy rats:

Pet Stores

Many pet stores sell rats, but it’s important to do your research and find a reputable store that takes good care of their animals.


Buying from a breeder can be a good option if you’re looking for a specific breed or color of rat. Make sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder who takes good care of their rats.

Rescue Organizations

Adopting rats from a rescue organization can be a great way to give a loving home to rats in need. Many rescue organizations have rats of all ages and breeds available for adoption.

No matter where you choose to buy your rats, if you want rats that are going to stay with you for a long time, make sure they are healthy and well-cared for. Look for rats that are alert, active, and have clear eyes and ears.

Rats with health issues or appear lethargic, have discharge from their eyes or nose, or have matted fur, are sadly unlikely to stay here much longer.

When you bring your rats home, make sure to give them plenty of love and attention to help them adjust to their new environment. With proper care and attention, rats can make wonderful pets that bring joy and companionship for years to come.

What to Look for When Buying Rats

When buying rats, consider these factors to ensure that you get healthy and happy pets. Here are some things to look for:


Rats should be at least six weeks old before they are separated from their mothers. Younger rats may not be fully weaned and may have weaker immune systems.


Look for rats that are active, alert, and curious. Their fur should be clean and shiny, and their eyes should be bright and clear. Rats that appear lethargic, have discharge from their eyes or nose, or have bald patches on their fur are unlikely to live much longer.


Decide if you want male or female rats, or a mix of both. Keep in mind that males may be more prone to aggression and marking their territory, while females may be more prone to tumors. But, males are usually more cuddly than female rats and can be much easier to train!


Consider buying rats from a reputable breeder who raises their rats in a clean and healthy environment. Be cautious when buying rats from pet stores, as they may come from unhealthy breeding conditions and may be more prone to health problems.


If you plan to keep multiple rats, make sure they are compatible with each other. Introduce them slowly and monitor their interactions to ensure they get along.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you bring home healthy and happy rats that will make great pets.

Caring for Your New Rats

Once you have brought your new rats home, it is important to provide them with the proper care and attention to ensure their health and happiness. Here are some tips to help you care for your new pets:

Provide a Spacious Cage

Their cage needs to have plenty of room for your rats to move around and play. A cage with multiple levels and a solid floor is recommended to prevent injury.

Keep Their Cage Clean

Regularly removing any soiled bedding and wiping down surfaces with a pet-safe disinfectant.

Offer Fresh Water and Food Daily

Rats are omnivores and require a balanced diet of commercial rat food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats such as cooked eggs or mealworms.

Provide Toys and Items

Your rats will love having something to chew on, such as wooden blocks or cardboard tubes. This helps keep their teeth healthy and prevents boredom.

Handle Your Rats Regularly

This helps them to become comfortable with you and to prevent aggression. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the length of time you spend with them.

Keep Your Rats in a Good Place

It’s best to keep rats in a quiet, low-stress environment away from loud noises and other pets that may cause them stress.

Monitor Signs of Illness

Watch for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or respiratory issues. Seek veterinary care if you suspect your rats may be sick.

By providing your rats with proper care and attention, you can help ensure they live happy and healthy lives as your beloved pets.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!