Training & Playtime

Do Pet Rats Enjoy Running Balls for Exercise?

Many pet owners wonder if their furry friends enjoy running balls. This is especially true for rat owners, who are always looking for new ways to keep their pets entertained and active.

While some people believe that rats love running balls, others are skeptical about the safety and well-being of their pets inside these plastic spheres.

The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some pet rats may enjoy running balls, while others may find them stressful or uncomfortable.

It all depends on the individual rat’s personality, temperament, and preferences. As a responsible pet owner, observe your rat’s behavior and body language to determine whether or not they enjoy running balls.

What are Running Balls for Pet Rats?

Running balls, also known as exercise balls or hamster balls, are a popular accessory for pet rodents. These balls come in different sizes and materials, but they all have one thing in common: they allow your pet rat to run around outside of their cage while keeping them safe from potential hazards.

Running balls are made of plastic or acrylic and have a secure lid that can be opened to place your rat inside. Once your rat is inside the ball, they can run around on any flat surface without the risk of getting lost or injured.

Running balls are especially useful for rats that don’t get enough exercise in their cage or for those that need a change of scenery. It’s important to note that running balls should only be used for short periods of time and under supervision.

While these balls can provide a fun and stimulating experience for your pet rat, they can also be stressful and overwhelming if used for too long. Additionally, running balls are not suitable for all rats, as some may not enjoy being confined in a small space.

Do Pet Rats Enjoy Running Balls?

Running balls are often marketed as a fun and interactive way for pet rats to exercise and explore their surroundings. But, the question remains: do pet rats actually enjoy running balls?

While some pet rats may enjoy running balls, not all rats will find them enjoyable. Additionally, there are some potential risks and drawbacks to using running balls for pet rats.

One potential issue is that running balls can be stressful for some rats. The enclosed space and lack of control over their environment can be unsettling for some animals.

Additionally, running balls can be difficult to clean and can become hot and uncomfortable for rats during extended periods of use.

Running balls should never be used as a substitute for regular exercise and interaction with your pet rat. While they may provide some additional stimulation and activity, they should not be relied upon as the sole means of exercise for your pet.

In conclusion, while some pet rats may enjoy running balls, consider the potential risks and drawbacks before using them. It’s also important to provide your pet rat with regular exercise and interaction outside of the running ball to ensure their overall health and happiness.

Benefits of Running Balls for Pet Rats

Running balls, also known as exercise balls, are a popular accessory for pet rats. These balls are designed to allow rats to run around while being contained in a safe space. Here are some benefits of running balls for pet rats:


Running balls provide a great way for pet rats to get exercise. Rats are active animals that need regular physical activity to stay healthy.

Running balls allow rats to run around and explore their environment, which is essential for their physical and mental well-being.


Running balls allow pet rats to explore their surroundings in a safe and secure way. Rats are curious animals that love to explore new environments.

Running balls provide a safe way for rats to explore their environment without the risk of injury or escape.


Running balls provide mental stimulation for pet rats. Rats are intelligent animals that need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Running balls provide a new and exciting environment for rats to explore, which can help to prevent boredom and depression.


Running balls can be a great way to bond with your pet rat. You can supervise your rat while they run around in the ball, and you can interact with them by talking to them, offering treats, or playing games.

Overall, running balls can be a great accessory for pet rats. They provide exercise, exploration, mental stimulation, and bonding opportunities.

Make sure that you supervise your rat while they are in the ball and to make sure that the ball is the appropriate size for your rat. Running balls should not be used as a substitute for regular exercise outside of the ball.

Risks and Concerns for Using Running Balls with Pet Rats

While running balls can provide a fun and stimulating environment for pet rats, there are also some risks and concerns that owners should be aware of before using them.

Safety Concerns

When using running balls, check and confirm that the ball is the appropriate size for the rat. If the ball is too small, the rat may become stuck or injured. Additionally, the ball should be made of a durable material that can withstand the rat’s teeth and claws.

Owners should also monitor their rats closely while they are in the ball. Rats can become overheated or dehydrated if they are in the ball for too long, so it’s important to limit their time inside and provide plenty of water.

Behavioral Concerns

Some rats may not enjoy being in a running ball and may become stressed or anxious. It is important to observe your rat’s behavior and body language to determine whether they are comfortable in the ball.

Additionally, running balls can limit a rat’s ability to explore and interact with their environment. While they may be able to run around, they cannot climb or burrow like they would in their natural habitat.

Health Concerns

Running balls can also increase the risk of injury or illness. If the ball is not cleaned regularly, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Additionally, rats may be more prone to respiratory infections if they are exposed to dust or other particles while in the ball.

Overall, while running balls can be a fun and stimulating addition to a rat’s environment, it’s essential for owners to be aware of the risks and concerns associated with their use.

By taking appropriate precautions and monitoring their rat’s behavior and health, owners can ensure that their rat stays happy and healthy while using a running ball.

Alternatives to Running Balls for Pet Rats

While running balls can be a fun way for pet rats to exercise and explore, they are not the only option available. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

Free-Roaming Playtime

Allowing your pet rat to roam freely in a safe and secure area can be a great way to provide exercise and stimulation. You can create an enclosed playpen or rat-proof a room in your home. Just be sure to supervise your rat closely and remove any potential hazards.

Obstacle Courses

Setting up an obstacle course can challenge your pet rat’s agility and problem-solving skills. You can use items like tunnels, ramps, and bridges to create a fun and engaging course.

Interactive Toys

Toys that encourage your pet rat to climb, explore, and forage can be a great way to provide mental and physical stimulation. Examples include hanging ropes, ladders, and puzzle feeders.

Wheel Exercise

Exercise wheels can provide a great workout for pet rats. Just be sure to choose a solid-surface wheel that is appropriately sized for your rat to prevent injury.

Remember that every pet rat is unique and may have different preferences when it comes to exercise and play. Be sure to observe your rat’s behavior and adjust their playtime accordingly. With a little creativity, you can provide a fun and stimulating environment for your pet rat to thrive in.

In conclusion, pet rats do not necessarily like running balls. While some rats may enjoy the experience, it is not a natural or necessary activity for their well-being.

It’s essential to consider the individual preferences and needs of each pet rat before deciding to use a running ball. Factors such as age, health, and temperament can all play a role in determining whether a rat will enjoy or benefit from using a ball.

Keep your rats provided with ample opportunity for exercise and mental stimulation through other means, such as climbing structures, toys, and interactive playtime with their owners.

Overall, while running balls may seem like a fun and easy way to provide exercise for pet rats, it is important to approach their use with caution and consideration for the individual needs of each rat.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!