Training & Playtime

What Are Fun Things for Rats to Do? A Guide to Enrichment Activities for Your Pet Rat

Rats are playful, social creatures that require a lot of stimulation to stay happy and healthy. However, it can be challenging to come up with new activities for your furry friend to enjoy. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun things for rats to do that will keep them entertained and engaged.

One of the most important things you can do for your rat is to provide them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them busy. Rats love to play, and they enjoy a variety of different toys, such as balls, tunnels, and chew toys. You can also create obstacle courses for your rat to navigate, which will challenge their agility and problem-solving skills.

In addition to toys, rats also enjoy socializing and interacting with their owners. Spending time with your rat, playing games, and teaching them new tricks can be a lot of fun for both you and your pet.

Rats are highly intelligent animals, and they enjoy learning new things and exploring their environment. By providing your rat with plenty of opportunities for play and socialization, you can help ensure that they lead a happy, healthy life.

Toys and Games

Rats are intelligent and curious creatures that need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Here are some fun toys and games that you can provide for your rat:

Hamster Balls

These clear plastic balls are a great way to let your rat explore and exercise outside of their cage. Just make sure to supervise your rat and keep them away from stairs and other hazards.

Puzzle Feeders

These toys require your rat to figure out how to get to the food inside, which can be a fun challenge for them. You can find puzzle feeders at most pet stores or make your own using a cardboard box and some treats.

Tunnels and Mazes

Rats love to run and hide, so providing them with tunnels and mazes to explore can be a great way to keep them entertained. You can find pre-made tunnels and mazes at pet stores or make your own using PVC pipes or cardboard boxes.

Rope and Wooden Toys

Rats love to chew, so providing them with safe toys to gnaw on can help keep their teeth healthy and prevent boredom. Look for toys made from untreated wood or cotton rope.

Remember to rotate your rat’s toys and games regularly to keep things interesting and prevent boredom. And always supervise your rat during playtime to ensure their safety.


Rats are intelligent and active creatures that need mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Here are some DIY ideas to keep your rats entertained and engaged:

Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course using cardboard boxes, tubes, and other household items. Place treats throughout the course to encourage your rats to explore and navigate the obstacles.

Treat Dispenser

Make a treat dispenser by cutting holes in a plastic bottle or container. Fill the container with treats and watch your rats figure out how to get them out.

Rope Bridge

Use a sturdy rope or cord to create a bridge between two surfaces in your rat’s enclosure. This will give them a fun challenge to climb and explore.

Hide and Seek

Hide treats or toys throughout your rat’s enclosure and watch as they search for them. This game will keep them mentally stimulated and help them develop their natural foraging instincts.

It’s always best to supervise your rats during playtime, and always ensure that any DIY toys or obstacles are safe and secure. With a little creativity, you can provide your rats with hours of fun and entertainment!


Rats are social animals and enjoy the company of other rats. It is essential to provide your rat with a companion or two, as they can become lonely and depressed without any social interaction.

When introducing rats to each other, it is best to do so in a neutral area, such as a playpen or bathtub. This will help prevent territorial behavior and aggression. It is also important to supervise their interactions until you are sure they get along.

Playing together can help rats bond and strengthen their social skills. Some fun activities to do with multiple rats include:

  • Chasing each other around obstacles
  • Playing hide and seek with treats
  • Sharing a hammock or other cozy spot

Remember that rats have unique personalities and may not always get along with every rat they meet. If your rats do not seem to be getting along, it may be best to separate them and try introducing them again later.


Rats are active creatures that need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Here are some fun ways to help your pet rat get the exercise they need:

  • Provide a large cage with multiple levels and plenty of toys, such as tunnels, ropes, and climbing structures, to encourage exploration and movement.
  • Take your rat out of their cage for supervised playtime in a safe, enclosed area. Use a playpen or a rat-proofed room to let them run, climb, and explore.
  • Teach your rat to play fetch with small toys or treats. This can be a fun way to engage them in physical activity and mental stimulation.
  • Set up an obstacle course for your rat using cardboard boxes, tubes, and other household items. This can be a fun way to challenge your rat’s agility and intelligence.
  • Provide a running wheel for your rat to use, but make sure it is appropriately sized and designed for rats to prevent injury.

Remember to supervise your rat during exercise to ensure their safety and well-being. With these fun and engaging activities, you can help your pet rat stay active, healthy, and happy.

There are many fun activities that rats can enjoy, and it’s important to provide them with a stimulating environment to keep them happy and healthy. Whether it’s playing with toys, exploring new spaces, or spending time with their human companions, rats are social creatures that thrive on interaction and enrichment.

Remember to always supervise your rats during playtime and provide them with safe and appropriate toys. Avoid using materials that could be harmful or toxic, such as plastic or items with small parts that could be swallowed.

Overall, rats make wonderful pets that are full of personality and charm. By providing them with a variety of fun activities, you can ensure that they live a happy and fulfilling life as part of your family.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!