Rats Explained

Are Female Pet Rats Less Smelly Than Male Rats? Exploring Gender Differences in Rat Odor

When it comes to owning pet rats, one of the most common concerns is their smell. Rats are known to have a distinct odor, which can be unpleasant for some people. However, there is a common belief that female rats are less smelly than their male counterparts. But is there any truth to this?

While there is no definitive answer to this question, there are certain factors that may contribute to the perception that female rats are less smelly than males. One of the main reasons is that male rats tend to mark their territory by urinating more frequently and in larger amounts. This can result in a stronger odor, especially if their cage is not cleaned regularly.

On the other hand, female rats do not have the same territorial instincts as males, and therefore may not mark their territory as frequently or as strongly. Additionally, female rats tend to be more fastidious about their personal hygiene, which can also contribute to a cleaner and less smelly cage environment. However, it is important to note that individual rats can vary in their level of odor, regardless of their gender.

Understanding Rat Odor

I have mostly owned female rats, but I have also had four male rats in total, Eric and Ernest, Joey and Pog, and can tell you from experience that male rats definitely have a much smellier cage!

Rats are social animals that are often kept as pets. They are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate nature. However, one of the biggest concerns that people have when it comes to keeping rats as pets is the odor that they produce. Rats have a unique smell that can be quite pungent, and this odor can be a deal-breaker for many potential rat owners.

Understanding the sources of rat odor is the first step in managing it. Rats produce odor from several sources, including their urine, feces, and scent glands. In addition, male rats produce a stronger odor than female rats due to the presence of testosterone. This is because the scent glands in male rats are more active than those in female rats.

Keep in mind that while rats do produce an odor, it is not necessarily a bad smell. Some people actually enjoy the scent of rats, describing it as musky or earthy. For those who find the odor unpleasant, here are several strategies that can be used to manage it:

Regular cleaning

Keeping the rat cage clean and free of waste is essential in controlling odor. This includes changing the bedding and litter frequently, as well as wiping down surfaces with a mild disinfectant.

Adequate Ventilation

Good air circulation can help to reduce the concentration of odors in the rat cage. This can be achieved by placing the cage in a well-ventilated area or using a fan to circulate air.


The type of food that rats eat can impact their odor. Feeding rats a diet that is high in protein can increase the strength of their scent. Opting for a diet that is lower in protein and higher in carbohydrates can help to reduce odor.

Overall, while rats do produce an odor, it is not necessarily a reason to avoid keeping them as pets. With proper care and management, the odor can be minimized and controlled, allowing rat owners to enjoy the many benefits of these intelligent and affectionate animals.

Factors That Affect Rat Odor

Rats are known for their strong odor, but there are several factors that can affect the intensity of their smell. Understanding these factors can help you keep your pet rats smelling fresh and clean:


A rat’s diet can greatly impact its odor. Feeding your rats a balanced diet that is low in fat and high in protein can help reduce their smell. Avoid feeding them foods that are high in sugar or fat, as these can increase their scent.


Keeping your rat’s cage clean is essential for reducing odor. Regularly cleaning their cage and providing fresh bedding can help keep their environment smelling fresh. Additionally, rats can be trained to use a litter box, which can further reduce odor.


Male rats tend to have a stronger odor than female rats. This is because male rats produce more testosterone, which can cause their scent glands to produce a stronger smell. However, proper hygiene and diet can still help reduce the odor of male rats.


Young rats tend to have less odor than older rats. As rats age, their scent glands become more active, which can cause their smell to become stronger. Regular cleaning and proper diet can still help reduce odor in older rats.


Some rats may simply have a stronger natural odor due to their genetics. While you can’t change your rat’s genetics, proper diet and hygiene can still help reduce their scent.

Male vs Female Rat Odor

When it comes to pet rats, one of the biggest concerns for owners is their odor. Rats are known for having a distinct smell, which can be off-putting for some people. However, there is a common belief that female rats are less smelly than male rats. Let’s take a closer look at this claim.

Male rats have a stronger odor than female rats due to their hormones. Male rats produce a higher level of androgens, which are male sex hormones, than female rats.

These hormones are responsible for the musky odor that is often associated with male rats. In addition, male rats tend to mark their territory more frequently than females, which can also contribute to their odor.

Female rats, on the other hand, have a milder odor than male rats. This is because they produce fewer androgens and do not mark their territory as frequently. However, it is important to note that female rats still have a natural odor, and their cages will need to be cleaned regularly to prevent any unpleasant smells from building up.

Overall, while female rats may be less smelly than male rats, it is important to remember that both genders will have a certain level of odor. Proper cage cleaning and maintenance is key to keeping your pet rats smelling fresh and clean.

Tips for Reducing Rat Odor

While some rat odor is natural and unavoidable, there are steps you can take to reduce the smell in your home. Here are some tips:

Clean the Cage Regularly

The main source of rat odor is their urine and feces. Regularly cleaning the cage will help reduce the smell. Aim to clean the cage at least once a week, or more often if you have multiple rats.

Use Odor-Absorbing Bedding

Certain types of bedding, such as paper-based or aspen shavings, can help absorb odors. Avoid using cedar or pine shavings, as they can be harmful to rats and also contribute to a stronger smell.

Provide Good Ventilation

Proper ventilation can help circulate air and reduce the concentration of odors. Make sure the cage is not in a closed-off area and consider using a fan to improve air flow.

Use an Air Purifier

An air purifier can help filter out odors and improve air quality in your home. Look for one with a HEPA filter, which can capture small particles like pet dander and allergens.

Feed a Balanced Diet

A healthy diet can help reduce the smell of rat feces. Avoid feeding your rats too much protein, as this can lead to stronger-smelling waste.

By following these tips, you can help reduce the smell of your pet rats and keep your home smelling fresh.

In conclusion, there is no significant difference in the smell between female and male pet rats. While some rat owners may have personal anecdotes about one gender being less smelly than the other, scientific evidence does not support this claim.

Factors such as diet, hygiene, and living conditions play a much larger role in determining the odor of pet rats. It is important for rat owners to maintain a clean and healthy living environment for their pets, regardless of their gender.

It is also worth noting that while male rats may have a stronger odor due to their scent glands, this can be minimized through proper care and cleaning. Regularly cleaning the cage, providing a balanced diet, and ensuring proper ventilation can all help reduce any unwanted smells.

When it comes to choosing between male and female pet rats, odor should not be the deciding factor. Both genders can make wonderful and loving pets, and with proper care and attention, any potential smell issues can be easily managed.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!