Rats Explained

How to Look After Hairless Rats: Essential Tips and Advice

Hairless rats, also known as Sphynx rats, are a unique and fascinating pet to own. They are highly intelligent, social creatures that require a specific type of care to ensure they stay healthy and happy. While they may not have fur to groom, they still need a lot of attention and maintenance to keep their skin in good condition.

In my experience, hairless rats are a little more challenging to take care of than rats with fur coats. Particularly when it comes to caring for their skin and keeping them warm. But this makes owning a hairless rat even more rewarding!

One of the most important aspects of caring for hairless rats is maintaining their skin health. Without fur to protect them, hairless rats are more prone to skin irritations, dryness, and infections.

It’s crucial to provide them with a clean, safe environment to prevent any potential health issues from arising. Additionally, hairless rats require a specific diet to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients they need to thrive.

If you’re considering getting a hairless rat as a pet, it’s essential to educate yourself on their specific care requirements. With proper attention and maintenance, hairless rats can make wonderful, affectionate companions that will bring joy to your life for years to come.

Housing Requirements

Hairless rats are unique pets that require specific housing to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some key considerations when setting up your hairless rat’s home:

Cage Size

When it comes to cage size, bigger is always better. Hairless rats are active and curious creatures that need plenty of room to explore and play.

Aim for a cage that is at least 2 feet long, 1.5 feet wide, and 1.5 feet tall. If you have more than one hairless rat, you’ll need an even larger cage.

Cage Type

Wire cages with solid floors are a good choice for hairless rats, as they provide good ventilation and are easy to clean. Avoid cages with wire floors, as these can cause discomfort and even injury to your rat’s feet. Glass tanks should also be avoided due to the poor ventilation.


Choose a bedding that is safe for hairless rats and provides good absorbency. Paper-based bedding, such as Carefresh or Yesterday’s News, is a good choice. Avoid pine and cedar bedding, as these can be harmful to your rat’s respiratory system.


Provide plenty of toys and activities to keep your hairless rat entertained and stimulated. Climbing structures, tunnels, and chew toys are all great options. Make sure to rotate your rat’s toys regularly to keep things interesting.


Choose a location for your hairless rat’s cage that is away from direct sunlight, drafts, and other pets. Hairless rats are sensitive to temperature changes, so keep their cage in a room that is between 65-75°F.

Diet and Nutrition

Proper diet and nutrition is essential for the health and well-being of hairless rats. As they have a higher metabolism than their furry counterparts, they require a diet that is rich in protein and fat.

Feeding Your Hairless Rat

Here are some important things to keep in mind when feeding your hairless rat:

  • Feed your rat a high-quality commercial rat food that is specifically formulated for hairless rats.
  • This food should contain at least 16% protein and 5% fat, and should be free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives
  • Offer your rat fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Some good options include leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples.
  • Be sure to wash all produce thoroughly before feeding it to your rat.
  • Provide your rat with a constant supply of fresh, clean water. You can use a water bottle or a water bowl, but be sure to change the water daily.
  • Avoid feeding your rat sugary or fatty treats, as these can lead to obesity and other health problems. Instead, offer your rat small amounts of lean protein, such as cooked chicken or fish.

In addition to a healthy diet, hairless rats may benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements. Talk to your veterinarian about the best supplements for your rat’s specific needs.

Grooming and Hygiene

Just like any other pet, hairless rats require grooming and hygiene to maintain their health and well-being. Here are some tips on how to keep your hairless rat clean and healthy:


Unlike furry rats, hairless rats need to be bathed regularly to remove oils and dirt from their skin. Use a mild, unscented shampoo and warm water to bathe your hairless rat. Avoid getting water in their ears and eyes, and make sure to dry them thoroughly with a towel or hair dryer on a low setting.

Ear Cleaning

Hairless rats are prone to ear infections due to their lack of fur, so it’s important to clean their ears regularly. Use a cotton swab or soft cloth moistened with warm water to gently clean the outer part of their ears. Avoid inserting anything into their ear canal, as this can cause injury.

Nail Trimming

Trim your hairless rat’s nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or injury. Use a small pair of scissors or nail clippers designed for small animals, and be careful not to cut their quick (the pink part of their nail that contains blood vessels).

Teeth Cleaning

Just like other rodents, hairless rats have continuously growing teeth that need to be kept in check. Provide your rat with chew toys and blocks to help wear down their teeth naturally. If their teeth become too long, consult with a veterinarian on the best way to trim them.

Skin Care

Because hairless rats lack fur, their skin can become dry and irritated. Use a moisturizing lotion or oil designed for small animals to keep their skin healthy and hydrated. Avoid using human products or anything that contains fragrances or harsh chemicals.

By following these grooming and hygiene tips, you can ensure that your hairless rat stays healthy and happy.

Healthcare and Common Issues

As with any pet, it’s important to keep an eye on your hairless rat’s health. Here are some common issues to watch out for:

Respiratory Infections

Hairless rats are prone to respiratory infections, so it’s important to keep their environment clean and free of irritants. Symptoms include wheezing, sneezing, and discharge from the nose or eyes. If you suspect your rat has a respiratory infection, take them to the vet immediately.

Dental Issues

Like all rats, hairless rats’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives. Make sure your rat has plenty of chew toys and other items to gnaw on to keep their teeth healthy. Signs of dental problems include drooling, difficulty eating, and weight loss.


Fleas, mites, and lice can all infest hairless rats. Check your rat regularly for signs of itching, scratching, or small bumps on their skin. If you suspect your rat has parasites, take them to the vet for treatment.

Aside from these common issues, there are a few things you can do to keep your hairless rat healthy:


Make sure your rat has a balanced diet, including plenty of protein and fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid feeding them sugary or fatty foods, as these can lead to obesity and other health problems.


Hairless rats are active animals and need plenty of exercise to stay healthy. Provide them with plenty of toys and opportunities to climb and explore.


While hairless rats don’t need to be brushed, they do need regular baths to keep their skin clean and healthy. Use a mild, fragrance-free shampoo and make sure to dry your rat thoroughly afterwards.

Socialization and Playtime

Hairless rats are social creatures and require regular socialization and playtime to remain healthy and happy. Socialization is important for hairless rats as it helps them develop their social skills and form strong bonds with their owners.

When socializing with your hairless rat, it’s important to approach them calmly and gently. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises as this can startle them and make them feel anxious. Start by offering them a treat or a piece of food to help them associate you with positive experiences.

Playtime is also an important part of a hairless rat’s life. It helps them stay active and engaged, which is important for their physical and mental well-being.

Provide your hairless rat with toys and activities that are safe and appropriate for their size and age. Some good options include tunnels, ropes, and chew toys.

Supervise your hairless rat during playtime to ensure their safety. Avoid leaving them unattended with toys that could pose a choking hazard or any other potential danger. Additionally, make sure to clean and sanitize their toys regularly to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

Overall, socialization and playtime are important aspects of caring for hairless rats. By providing them with regular opportunities to interact with you and engage in stimulating activities, you can help them live happy and healthy lives.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!