Health & Wellbeing

Can I Wash My Rat with Dog Shampoo? The Pros and Cons

Many pet owners wonder if they can use dog shampoo to wash their rats. While it may seem like a logical solution, it’s important to understand the differences between rat and dog skin and fur.

Rats have sensitive skin that requires a specific type of shampoo, and using the wrong product could lead to skin irritation or other health issues.

Rats have different grooming needs than dogs. Rats are clean animals and groom themselves regularly, but they may need a little extra help from their owners to keep their fur in good condition.

Choosing the right shampoo is an important part of rat care, and it’s essential to understand the unique needs of your pet.

Understanding Rat Skin

Rats are unique creatures and have a different type of skin compared to humans and dogs. Rat skin is thin and delicate, with a higher water content and fewer oil glands. This makes their skin more sensitive and prone to dryness, irritation, and even infection.

Rats also have a unique scent that is used for communication and identification. Their skin and fur play a vital role in carrying and spreading this scent. Using the wrong shampoo or soap can interfere with their natural scent and cause stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, rats are prone to skin problems such as mites, lice, and fungal infections. Using the wrong shampoo or soap can exacerbate these conditions and cause further harm to your pet.

It is essential to use a shampoo that is specifically formulated for rats or small animals. These shampoos are designed to be gentle on their delicate skin and help maintain their natural scent. Using any other shampoo, including dog shampoo, can be harmful to your rat’s skin and overall health.

Dog Shampoo Ingredients

Dog shampoos are formulated specifically for the pH level of a dog’s skin, which is different from that of a rat’s skin. Some rat owners may be tempted to use dog shampoo on their rats due to its availability and affordability. Here are some common ingredients found in dog shampoos:


Dog shampoos often contain fragrances to make the dog smell good. However, these fragrances can be irritating to a rat’s sensitive skin.


Sulfates are detergents that create lather and help remove dirt and oil from a dog’s coat. However, they can be harsh and drying on a rat’s skin.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine

This is a mild surfactant that is often used in baby shampoos. It is less harsh than sulfates and can be found in some dog shampoos.


Glycerin is a humectant that helps to retain moisture in the skin and coat. It can be found in some dog shampoos and may be beneficial for rats with dry skin.


Oatmeal is a natural ingredient that can soothe and moisturize dry, itchy skin. Some dog shampoos contain oatmeal and may be beneficial for rats with skin irritations.

While some dog shampoos may contain ingredients that are safe for rats, keep in mind that mthey are formulated for dogs and not rats.

Using dog shampoo on a rat may cause skin irritation or other health problems. It is always best to use a shampoo that is specifically formulated for rats or to consult with a veterinarian before using any new product on your pet.

Why Not to Use Dog Shampoo on Rats

While it may be tempting to use dog shampoo on your pet rat, it is important to understand that doing so can be harmful to your furry friend. Here are a few reasons why:

PH Levels

Dog shampoo is formulated for a dog’s skin, which has a different pH level than that of a rat’s skin. Using dog shampoo on your rat can disrupt the natural pH balance of their skin, leading to irritation, dryness, and even infection.


Many dog shampoos contain ingredients that are safe for dogs but can be toxic to rats. For example, some dog shampoos contain tea tree oil, which can cause skin irritation and even seizures in rats.


Dog shampoos often contain fragrances that can be overwhelming for rats, who have a strong sense of smell. This can cause stress and discomfort for your pet.

Overall, it is best to avoid using dog shampoo on your rat and instead opt for a shampoo that is specifically formulated for rats or small animals. These shampoos will be gentler on your pet’s skin and contain ingredients that are safe and effective for rats.

Alternative Shampoo Options

If you’re not comfortable using dog shampoo on your rat, there are alternative options that are safe and effective for cleaning your pet. Here are a few options to consider:

Rat-Specific Shampoo

This is the best option for cleaning your rat, as it is specifically formulated for their delicate skin and fur. Rat shampoo is gentle and won’t strip your rat’s natural oils, which can help prevent dry skin and other skin issues.

Baby Shampoo

Baby shampoo is another option that is safe for rats. It is gentle and won’t irritate their skin, but it may not be as effective at removing dirt and oils as rat-specific shampoo.

Unscented, Gentle Shampoo

If you can’t find rat-specific or baby shampoo, look for an unscented, gentle shampoo that is formulated for sensitive skin. Avoid shampoos that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances, as these can irritate your rat’s skin.

When using any shampoo on your rat, be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the shampoo. Leaving shampoo on your rat’s skin can cause irritation and dryness. Then dry your rat thoroughly after their bath to prevent them from getting chilled.

While some dog shampoos may be safe for use on rats, it is always best to use products specifically designed for rats or small animals.

Rats have unique skin and fur that require special care, and using the wrong products can cause skin irritation, dryness, and even infections. Dog shampoos may contain ingredients that are not safe for rats, such as essential oils or fragrances that can be toxic.

Additionally, rats have different grooming habits than dogs and may ingest the shampoo while grooming themselves, which can be harmful to their health. Using a rat-specific shampoo will ensure that the product is safe and effective for your furry friend.

Overall, it is important to prioritize the health and well-being of your rat and use products that are specifically designed for their unique needs. Consult with a veterinarian or a rat care expert if you have any concerns or questions about grooming your rat.

About the author

Kate Hawfinch

Kate has had pet rats for over 17 years and is passionate about trying her best to be a great rat mom. Now she wants to share the things she's learned with other people who are also striving to become great rat parents!